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Notice Board

 * 1. Moharram (HOLIDAY)


1. After the long discussion with the students, teachers and parents of the school, it is identified that the issue of effective communication among student and teachers is to be enhanced to have a fearless atmosphere for the overall development of the child.
2. Whereas the teachers of the school felt that better learning resources are to be provided in the class rooms for the students and the school will improve school attendance and performance of the students in all the spheres.
3. Further in respect and regard with the community, the school will try to achieve plantation of tress in nearby areas and will be bring awareness in people about proving first aid.
4. Thinking a mission towards community the earnest need of the hour is to make the society aware about the conservation of water. It is only possible by harvesting water through different resources like rainwater harvesting, rooftop rainwater harvesting.